위의 링크에서 샘플과 샘플 DB를 다운로드 할 수 있습니다.

이번 샘플에 추가되거나 업데이트 된 내용을 간략하게 보겠습니다.

Analysis Services:


Integrated Samples:


New or significantly updated samples added for the July 2006 web refresh include

Analysis Services:


Data Access (ODBC):



New samples added for the April 2006 web refresh include

Analysis Services:


Data Access (OLEDB)


Data Access (ODBC)


Common Language Runtime (CLR) Integration:


Integration Services




New samples added for the December 2005 webrefresh include

Common Language Runtime (CLR) Integration:


Server Management Objects (SMO):


Integration Services:




Reporting Services

Posted by leebaro